
Date:Monday28th August 2017 11:00 - 12:00am
Place:Main building Seminar room A615
Lecturer : Sergey L. Bud'ko( Ames Laboratory)
Title: CaFe2As2 to CaKFe4As4: physical properties and effect of pressure
An overview of the synthesis and anisotropic thermodynamic and transport properties of single-crystalline, single-phase CaKFe4As4 will be presented. [1] The samples were grown out of a high-temperature, quaternary melt. Temperature-dependent measurements of x-ray diffraction, electrical and thermal transport, magnetization, specific heat, and 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements, combined with field-dependent measurements of electrical resistivity and field and pressure-dependent measurements of magnetization indicate that CaKFe4As4 is an ordered, stoichiometric, Fe-based superconductor with a superconducting critical temperature, Tc = 35 K. Other than superconductivity, there is no indication of any other phase transition for 1.8K < T < 300 K. All of these thermodynamic and transport data reveal striking similarities to those found for optimally or slightly overdoped (Ba1-xKx)Fe2As2, suggesting that stoichiometric CaKFe4As4 is intrinsically close to what is referred to as “optimally-doped” on a generalized phase diagram for Fe-based superconductors.
Additionally, pressure response of CaKFe4As4 will be discussed. [2] With increasing pressure, both resistivity and magnetization data show that the bulk superconducting transition of CaKFe4As4 is suppressed and then disappears at P > 4 GPa. High pressure x-ray data clearly indicate a phase transition to a collapsed tetragonal phase in CaKFe4As4 under pressure that coincides with the abrupt loss of bulk superconductivity near 4 GPa. Band structure calculations also find a sudden transition to a collapsed tetragonal state near 4 GPa, as As-As bonding takes place across the Ca-layer. Bonding across the K-layer only occurs for P ≥ 12 GPa. These findings demonstrate a new type of collapsed tetragonal phase in CaKFe4As4: a half-collapsed-tetragonal phase.
There data will be compared in detailed with the literature data for CaFe2As2. [3]
1. W. R. Meier, et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 064501 (2016).
2. Udhara S. Kaluarachchi et al., arXiv:1702.06622.
3. P. C. Canfield et al., Physica C 469, 404 (2009).
13th butsu-butsu seminar