
Date:Wednesday 11th October 2017 16:00 - 17:00
Place:Main building Seminar room A615
Lecturer : Mario Novak(ISSP visiting professor, University of Zagreb)
Title: Transport properties of Dirac line semimetal ZrSiS
The 3D Dirac line-node semimetal is the newest member of family of materials with the nontrivial topological structure, among which are more known 3D Dirac and Weyl semimetals. In general, 3D Dirac system are situated at the topological phase transition between normal and topological insulators with conducting band touching in zero or one-dimensional interface. In these systems, many novel and interesting phenomena are predicted and some of them are already experimentally realized, such as the Fermi arc state, chiral anomaly, large magnetoresistance, etc. . The seminar, will give a short overview of my previous work on the Dirac system, and give detail results on transport measurements of ZrSiS - 3D Dirac line-node semimetal backed-up with the ARPES measurement data. Special emphasis will be put on presentation of the SdH oscillations, transport and magnetoresistance anisotropy in the samples.
14th butsu-butsu seminar